two-photon transition

英 [tuː ˈfəʊtɒn trænˈzɪʃn] 美 [tuː ˈfoʊtɑːn trænˈzɪʃn]

网络  双光子跃迁



  1. The time evolution of atomic occupancy for the system of squeezed vacuum field interacting with two coupling atoms via intensity-dependent coupling in two-photon transition are investigated.
  2. Meanwhile, the maximum two-photon transition probability is obtained by choosing the best shaping function under the resonance case.
  3. Then, we extend the method to the calculation of resonance fluorescence spectrum with two-photon transition. The results exhibit characteristics different from the one-photon transition.
  4. Quantum Properties of Light in The System of Two-mode Squeezing Vacuum Field Interacting with N-type Four-level Atom in Two-photon Transition
  5. Selection of upper level for two-photon transition
  6. The calculation of two-photon spontaneous transition probability
  7. The results show that the Doppler background due to the near resonance of the intermediate level is eliminated and the signal of two-photon transition can be distinguished from saturation absorption.
  8. Time-evolution of fidelity of quantum information in J-C model with one-photon transition or two-photon transition was compared.
  9. First, We set up the two-photon Planck radiation equation, then give a new definition of Einsient probability coefficients, calculate the two-photon transition probability and analyze the results.
  10. It is also shown that when the one-photon transition and the two-photon transition is balanced, the maximum current injection efficiency is achieved.
  11. The concept of transition cross section is re-examined in two-photon process. The rate equations and the relevant transition cross sections are good approximation in the region where the diagonal elements of the density matrix change slowly with time.
  12. The long-time behavior of squeezing of intense coherent light is studied with off-resonance Jaynes-Cummings model. The interaction between field and atom includes both one-photon transition type and two-photon transition type.
  13. Effects of Dynamic Stark Shift on Quantum Information Fidelity in Two-photon Transition
  14. Finally, the two-photon transition is studied using the research method of spontaneous emission in quantum electrodynamics.